Thursday, August 29, 2024

Cidery of the Month: Blue Bee Cider, Richmond

A couple of posts ago, I produced a list of what I think are the best 7 ciders I have had in the last 12 months, many of them discovered as part of my research for my book, "Virginia Cider - A Scrumptious History", which you can pre-order by clicking the cover in the right rail there.

As I pondered the many, many ciders that could have made that list, seriously people Virginia is a hotbed of great cider at the moment, I decided that I needed to highlight more cideries on here, especially as cider becomes even more of a regular tipple. There would be but one rule, that I have to have visited said cidery in the month in question, any way...onwards.

I mentioned in the post about the 7 best ciders that my recent visit to Blue Beer Cider in Richmond was off the cuff, and also the first time I had been since meeting with co-owner Mackenzie on a dreich November day when the building was still an empty shell. For those curious about the name, Blue Bee is named for the blue orchard bee, a native species of bee that is a more efficient pollinator that the invasive honeybees imported from Europe by the early colonists.

Now that Blue Bee are back up and running in their new location, very conveniently placed close to I-64 for those us who don't live in Richmond, it was great to see the spruced up interior, with comfortable seating, high tables, and a beautiful bar space. I will be honest, I don't recall how many ciders were on tap the day that we swung by, but they offer both flights of 4 ciders as well as cider by the glass. Mrs V decided to do a flight, while I grabbed a glass of Harrison, one of the workhorse cider apples in Virginia.

Even though I am primarily a beer drinker, in common with most Brits I know cider is always something we are happy to delve on into, and single varietal Harrisons are often a delight. Blue Bee's weighs in at 8.5% is decidedly dry - yay, I love a bone dry cider - with a subtly tannic character that give the cider beautiful structure and a lingering finish that practically demands you drink more. In terms of flavours, I mostly got tropical fruit with some zingy orange peel, which put me in mind of my mum's pastry recipe for our Yuletide mince pies, if you've never zested citrus peels into short crust pastry for sweet pies you are missing out.

Next up was another single varietal, this time an apple more associated with the West Country in England, Dabinett. Rather than repeat myself from the previous post I have reference a couple of times, here is what I wrote about Dabinett:

"The star though for me was their single varietal Dabinett cider, made from the eponymous bittersweet apple from the West Country in England. Pouring a golden colour, the nose was spicy with hints of vanillin, weird reference here perhaps but my kids are big fans of vanilla and cinnamon yoghurt, and that was what popped into my mind straight off the bat. That sweet spiciness carries on it the taste realm as well, but joined by some heavily hitting apple flavours - think apple pie made with wildflower honey. Being a bittersweet, the tannins add a lovely structure and depth to the cider that stop it from being overly zingy in the finish."

By this point I was deep in conversation with Mackenzie and fellow co-owner Taylor, Mrs V had joined us and the conversation and cider was fairly flowing. It was almost like being in the most convivial country pub you can imagine, though being in very urban Richmond. I continued to work my way through the draft offerings, and in my time honored approach not really taking any notes, but just reveling in the aromas and flavours of good cider. It never ceases to amaze just how much diversity there is in something as seemingly simple and ubiquitous as the apple, and likewise that so few varieties are available in the store, and the majority of them overly sweet to my taste.

One thing I have discovered by virtue of the research side of writing my book is that I love pommeau, a mix of apple brandy and freshly pressed sweet cider, so of course I was going to try Blue Bee's two offerings. Firecracker is made with Gold Rush apples and infused with ginger, while Harvest Ration harkens back to pre-industrial times when an agricultural worker's pay was partially paid in cider and brandy, the former to keep you hydrated, the latter to deal with the aches and pains of a hard life. It was while sipping on the Firecracker, which in and of itself is stunning that I had a mad idea, and thankfully the folks at Blue Bee were willing to let me try...putting a measure of Firecracker in a glass of Harvest Party, a blend created by their cider club. It was an absolute knock out, and when the heat of Virginia finally dies off (hurry up please), you bet I'll be creating it as a nightcap to hopefully rain sodden days.

Having stocked up with bottles of more single varietals, including a Yarlington Mill that I am particularly looking forward to tucking into soon, we headed home knowing that when we make it down to Richmond, Blue Bee will certainly be high on our list of places to visit.

Wednesday, August 21, 2024

Beginnings of Budvar...

Ah...the romance of the "original" Budweiser, yeah, you know, the original that was created 100 years after the previous original Budweiser and some 30 years after the original American Budweiser. If you didn't know already that Budvar are the youngest of the three breweries that bicker over the name "Budweiser" well you do now, so there are no excuses.

Now, while I have been unable to find a date for this rather natty sign I saw in a restaurant in Český Krumlov many years ago, it quite clearly makes the claim that the beer from Bürgerlichen Bräuhaus Budweis is the "Budwesier Urquell" or "Budweiser from the Original Source", in the same vein as Pilsner Urquell. So, the timeline is established, please stop calling Budvar the "original" Budweiser.

This post isn't really about who is the "original", it's about events in the year 1894 - yes you guessed it, I've been reading Der Böhmische Bierbrauer again, specifically the issue from February 1st of that year. In the "Miscellaneous" section of that particular issue there is a report about a meeting that took place on Sunday, 21st January 1894, location undisclosed, to discuss the possibility of building a new brewery in Budweis.

The attendees of the meeting elected one Dr A Zátka, who was a representative in the Bohemian Diet, or "Landtags", to preside over the meeting. Dr Zátka was an advocate for the new brewery, and from the notes in the piece from Der Böhmische Bierbrauer, many of the speakers at the meeting were in favour of creating this new brewery. A phrase though that jumped out at me was that the new brewery was described as being "das böhmische Unternehmen", or "the Bohemian company". From the context both of the text and historically as we know Budvar was founded as an explicitly Czech enterprise, as distinct from the "Deutschböhmen" or German Bohemians, so it was interesting to see it called out in a contemporaneous source.

Seemingly, there was confidence that such an enterprise would thrive, given that beer production had increased in the years prior to the meeting. Our friends at Bürgerlichen Bräuhaus Budweis and other local breweries had brewed an additional 100,000 hectolitres (85k Bbl), with production ramping up a further 100,000 hectolitres. It was boom time for beer in South Bohemia in the 1890s and the founders of Budvar clearly wanted a slice of that pie.

Obviously though, as anyone who has even considered starting a brewery, money would be needed to get started. According to a letter read out at the meeting from an engineer called Mr Jahn (possibly a partner in the brewery machine company Novák & Jahn, a regular advertiser in Der Böhmische Bierbrauer) the initial brewery would have an annual capacity of 30,000 hectolitres (25.5k Bbl) and cost 250,000 Florins. Thankfully for this time period we don't have to wade into the mess of Central European currencies, and based on the money table in the 1905 edition of Baedeker's "Austria-Hungary Handbook for Travelers", we can say that the initial brewery was priced out at about $52,000 at the time, approximately $1.7 million in 2024.

With this proposal in front of them, the attendees of the meeting agreed to "build a Bohemian brewery" with those already subscribed required to pay 1% of their subscription to cover preparatory costs. They also established a provisional committee to over see the work, with Dr Zátka being elected to likewise lead the committee. 

The road to Budvar had taken it's first step...

Wednesday, August 7, 2024

Top Seven Virginia Ciders - 2024

Just in case you didn't see my various socials last week, my first book is being published on October 21st and is now available for pre-order on Amazon, and Barnes & Noble for those who don't care to give more money to Amazon. 

The book is called "Virginia Cider: A Scrumptious History" and looks at the development of cider in Virginia from the earliest days of European colonisation to the present, with a particular focus on the people making cider in Virginia today, as well as a glimpse of where they feel the industry is headed in the immediate future. Researching the book meant several weekends driving the highways and byways of Virginia, from the Blue Ridge mountains in the far Southwest to the Atlantic coast in the east, taking in the Allegheny Highlands, Shenandoah Valley, and the Piedmont along the way, as well as cities like Richmond, Alexandria, and of course Charlottesville. Virginia has a long, and hopefully continuing history of being a cider making region, and it was a pleasure to get out and meet the folks making it around the state.

Having travelled many, many miles, and drunk many, many ciders, I decided that in addition to my annual Top Ten Virginia Beers post, I would start a Top Seven Virginia Ciders equivalent. As with the beer post though, this is again thoroughly subjective and really about the ciders I enjoyed the most, emphasis being "I", so lets go on shall we...

1. Troddenvale: 2021 Special Edition No. 12

Having spent time speaking with Will and Cordelia at Troddenvale, having a tour of their orchard that contains several apple varieties from Spain and France as well as classic American cider apples, it was time to indulge in a little sampling of the wares, including this 100% Dolgo crabapple cider. My first thought as I looked at the deeply rosé copper liquid in the glass, which you can just about make out in the picture above, was that this was possibly the darkest cider I had seen before, or at least the darkest without the addition of others fruits or flavorings. Sticking my nose in the glass I was overwhelmed by masses of strawberry and cranberry aromas, vaguely hinting at the acid attack that was to come. Those strawberry and cranberry notes were definitely there in the drinking, but this time they were smacking a huge acid punch, as if the fruit had been layered in sherbet and lemon juice. I think I may have taken a step back in amazement at the complexity and structure of this simply stunning expression of a single apple variety. Such was the impact of this cider that I now have a Dolgo tree in my own little backyard orchard. Yes, this is a cider that is as bone dry as you can imagine, and yes it has a puckering tannic kick to it, but that fruit flavour comes with a hint of sweetness that fends it off from being like drinking straight malic acid. Being such a flavor bomb, it simply demands to be paired with foods that can more than stand up to it, the farmhouse cheddar in the picture for example - Black Cow Cheddar from Dorset in England - or the sweet fattiness of duck breast prosciutto.

2.  Albemarle CiderWorks: Wickson Crab

The Wickson crab apple has a delightfully spicy acidity that to my mind makes it a dream of a cider apple. On the nose there is a subtle lemon note, with the spiciness adding depth reminiscent of lemongrass. The tropical theme continues in the flavour department too as notes of melons, pineapple, and kiwi swirl around, the finish is dry and zingy, brining everything into a laser sharp focus that is deeply refreshing. I will be honest and admit to having caned an entire bottle in a nonic pint glass other the course of about...oh, half an hour or so, yeah I'm a fan.

3. Big Fish Cider: Highland Scrumpy

The first time I went to Big Fish Cider, over the mountains and and far away in Highland County, was for Mrs V's annual trip to her fiddle teacher's traditional music camp, aka "fiddle camp". At the time, Mrs V was pregnant with the twins, and my best mate Dave was along for the ride as well as his wife any took lessons from the same teacher back then, and their son was all of 6 weeks old at this point. While the lady folks were playing fiddle, Dave and I took the opportunity to wander over to Big Fish and sample the wares, it was love a first sip and to this day whenever I get to Monterey I get a couple of bottles of Highland Scrumpy, a blend of locally grown mountain apples, many with no known name. Pouring a clear golden colour, the aroma is that of summer apple meadows with a hint of pear blossom. Tastewise, you know there are plenty of crab apples in the blend as that acidic bite chomps its way through the gentle sweetness to leave you craving more.

4. Buskey Cider: Virginia Hewes Crab

Virginia Hewes Crab is basically the state apple of Virginia, though the state doesn't actually have an official "state apple". Grown since at least the 1760s and a popular cider apple ever since, Virginia Hewes Crab is a wonderful combination of acid, tannin, and sugar, that makes a superb cider, that in the hands of Buskey Cider produces a rich yellow cider, that to my brain smells distinctly floral with a tropical fruit - think pineapple - edge. I find Buskey's version of a Virginia Hewes Crab cider also has notes of lime peel, strawberries, and a hint of Sekel pear in the background, finishing with that classic dry zing of crab apple ciders. It is no wonder it won a gold medal at the 2023 Governor's Cup.

5. Blue Bee Cider: Dabinett

The first time I visited Blue Bee Cider in Richmond was with Mark, and they were in the process of moving to a new venue, with all the decorating and building work yet to be done. Last weekend though, I was in Richmond to drop off my entries for the Dominion Cup homebrew competition and we discovered that Blue Bee was just round the corner from where we were having lunch, so Mrs V and I took the decision to pop round. Well, popping round turned into trying every single cider they had available, a couple of them several times, and even doing a little mixing and matching of ciders with pommeau - it was one of the most agreeable afternoons ever. The star though for me was their single varietal Dabinett cider, made from the eponymous bittersweet apple from the West Country in England. Pouring a golden colour, the nose was spicy with hints of vanillin, weird reference here perhaps but my kids are big fans of vanilla and cinnamon yoghurt, and that was what popped into my mind straight off the bat. That sweet spiciness carries on it the taste realm as well, but joined by some heavily hitting apple flavours - think apple pie made with wildflower honey. Being a bittersweet, the tannins add a lovely structure and depth to the cider that stop it from being overly zingy in the finish. There is not a lot of this cider left, so if you are in the area, pop by and buy some before it is all gone.

6. Ciders from Mars: Shady Lady

Made 100% from that workhorse of the American cider world, Harrison, Shady Lady from Staunton's Ciders from Mars pours a rich, honeyed gold and looks just gorgeous in the glass. The nose is lots of stone fruits, such as peaches and nectarines, all with the floral quality in the background that kind of reminded me of my own orchard in spring. The stone fruit is the star in the tasting as well, this time with some berry notes that immediately put me in mind of lingonberries, all leading to a sharpy, citrus zing in the finish. 

7. Sage Bird Ciderworks: Stocking Stuffer

Being honest, flavoured alcoholic drinks, whether cider, beer, or mead, are something I tend to shy away from, but the idea of a winter seasonal cider infused with juniper and tangerine just appealed to me - and to be frank everything Mark and I drank at our evening session in Harrisonburg was superb too. Why then did this one stand out? It rounded off my Yuletide drinking, after our traditional feast of hot smoked salmon, gratin potatoes, and various other rich goodies perfectly - especially as we didn't crack open the traditional plum pudding. The spice in Stocking Stuffer more than made up for that oversight, with hints of clove, allspice, and cinnamon to the fore and the subtle sweetness of tangerine peel lurking in the background. It had me thinking of the once grand tradition of studding oranges with cloves and hanging them around the house for Yule. Not overly sweet, but a sipper by the fire for sure.

It's really hard to highlight just seven from the many superb ciders I have had in the last 12 months, and the likes of Winchester CiderWorks Malice, Lost Boy Cider's Cellar Series - Small Apples, Sly Clyde Ciderworks' Subversive, Daring Cider Company's Crab Apple Cider, Patois Cider and several more would all have graced this list.

Friday, August 2, 2024

International Beer Day - My Faves

So...this post is entirely inspired by Pete Brown's post marking International Beer Day, which you should go and read - hold on cowboy, read mine first then go to Pete's blog. I will say that I like the way Pete has considered this subject, and being a traitorous craft beer drinker too someone that does Dry January as well, that first beer of a year is definitely a highlight, and one that has been considered for far longer than is reasonable. Onwards though...

1. A well-made Czech style světlý ležák

I know I bang on about lager a lot, and Czech styles in particular even though it has been 15 years since Mrs V and I abandoned living in the centre of Prague to come live in Virginia, but I make no apologies for being something of a purist on that. I lived in Czechia for a total of 10 years, both in and out of Prague, and I drank a boat load of great lager, so it grieves me when breweries try to pass off a Saaz hopped pale lager as somehow being a "Czech/Bohemian pilsner", and I know this will get me in trouble with some, but you cannot make great Czech style beers without under-modified malts, decoction mashing, and extensive lagering. You can prattle on about "more highly modified malts" making decoction unnecessary, and I get that, but in that one statement is all the arrogance of people that think they know better than the maltsters and brewers making the best lager in the world, the Czechs themselves. Can you make a great Saaz hopped pale lager with a single infusion mash, yes you can, is it an authentic Czech pilsner? No it isn't. I have only been back to Czechia twice in the last 15 years, and on both occasions it took we a while to start drinking US made "Czech style" lagers once I got back because they by and large simply don't stack up.

2. Harvest beer

My little garden is unlikely to ever keep body and soul together, pretty sure a diet of tomatoes, cucumbers, peas, and chili peppers is lacking some key nutrients. It is a major salve for my soul though. I love prepping the beds, sowing seeds, planting out, and eventually harvesting the produce, my particular favourite is the English green peas that I grow every year, well twice a year actually given our fantastic growing season here in Virginia., The second crop, which I will be sowing in the next week or so actually, I use mainly for seed for the spring crop as well as dried peas for winter soups and the like. When I harvest a bed of peas in late spring or early summer, I bring the entire basket up on to my back deck, extend out the awning so it kind of looks like an old school green grocers, and set to freeing the peas from the pods. Invariably there will be a glass of something on the table as well, probably bottom fermented, likely to be pale or amber (that's amber, not red), and refeshing. For many years, until the beer was discontinued, my go to harvest beer was Port City's delicious Franconian Kellerbier. I am, in many ways, quite a simple soul and so the meditative zen of harvesting and processing food from my garden practically begs for a rustic, flavourful beer.

3. My Best Bitter

It's a beer that used to be brewed occasionally by Three Notch'd Brewing in Charlottesville under the moniker Session 42, or more lately Bitter 42, though it hasn't seen the light of day for quite some time now. At the same time though, I probably brew that particular recipe more than any other in my own homebrewing. There are some slight differences between what I brew at home and what was brewed at Three Notch'd, namely I have switched to using only Murphy & Rude malt, in this case their English Pale as the base, with about 20% of their Biscuit malt - I am not a big fan of crystal malts in my beers. I also use a different yeast, preferring SafAle S-04 over their house yeast, which is if I remember rightly the McEwan's strain. Having the option of pouring a pint, a proper 20oz pint of course, of best bitter from my kegerator in the kitchen is just so much fun. Friday afternoon comes, I don't usually drink from Monday to Thursday, and everything is done for the week, a pint or three whilst cooking just unlocks my inner Keith Floyd.

4. Mrs Velkyal's Beer

My wife doesn't brew, she doesn't really drink beer as much as she did when we met and lived in Czechia, but you bet I trust her understanding of beer absolutely implicitly. When she declares a Czech style pilsner to be "good" then you know what she really means is that she is having an Anton Ego moment and being transported back to the pubs and beer gardens we frequented in Czechia. When she drinks a kölsch please learn to pronounce the "ö" in kölsch correctly without repeating back to her the abomination that is "kolsch", seriously people if you can't say it properly don't try and correct people that can. As I said, her beer drinking has very much diminished since we left Czechia and that is mainly due to the higher carbonation levels you find in many American craft beers, which give her discomfort of the stomach. When she does find a beer that she enjoys, she will be loyal fan until the batch runs out, and when she gets home from work and wants a pint of my homebrew, then I know that recipe will be brewed again.

5. Beer in a Maß

Whether you call it a litre glass, a maß, or my own personal favourite a tuplák, if I have the option of drinking a good lager from a big ass glass then you bet your bottom dollar I am taking it. Now, sure, it's not the kind of glass for drinking a doppelbock from, and to be blunt, I am not sure I would want to drink a festbier or märzen by the litre. However, the 3.6% abv Sommerbier I had at Bierkeller in Columbia, SC last weekend whilst scarfing more Würste than was strictly speaking necessary and reading "Modern Lager Beer" was perfect, especially in the absence of table service (a good thing), so I didn't have to refill quite so often. Speaking of the Sommerbier, I have few 1 litre growlers of it in the fridge, and it is Friday...

The Session - Best at Home

This month's iteration of The Session is being hosted by Ray and Jess over at Boak and Bailey, and the theme they have presented us wit...