Wednesday, June 17, 2015

A Club for Connoisseurs

Of the various beer and homebrewing related magazines that I pick up from time to time, The Beer Connoisseur is one of the more reliably worthwhile reads. Whether it's interviews with well known brewers or in depth articles about a given beer style, every issue has something of interest for beer lovers of all stripes.

This week I got an email from The Beer Connoisseur letting me know about a Kickstarter campaign they have started to create The Beer Connoisseur Club, which is described on the campaign page as:
the world’s common place where people meet, share, learn and organize around beer.
The campaign is looking for people to sign up as 'Founding Members' of the club at a cost of $35 per year, which gets you:
  • a year's subscription to Beer Connoisseur magazine
  • 12 months access to the new Beer Connoisseur website, including an interactive Beer School
  • a veritable raft of discounts and benefits from participating breweries/organisations, such as Starr Hill, Allagash, and Flying Saucer Draught Emporium
The club certainly seems like a good idea, and I imagine the discounts at various breweries, pubs, and restaurants would cover the annual fee pretty handily if you're a regular beer traveller and brewery hopper. If the club sounds like the kind of thing you'd be interested in, pop along to the Kickstarter campaign and sign on up.

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The Session - Best at Home

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