Saturday, January 31, 2015

#IHP2015 Double Stout Fun

The masses have spoken...well, 16 of them.

This year's International Homebrew Project returns to the Truman Brewery, but this time to their London location, to brew their Double Stout recipe from 1860.

The grain bill is is fairly simple:
  • 81% Pale 2 row malt
  • 16% Brown malt
  • 3% Black malt
The hop selection likewise is simplicity itself, just Goldings, but lots of them. 130 IBUs worth to be precise.
  • 52 IBU for 90 minutes
  • 49 IBU for 60 minutes
  • 29 IBU for 30 minutes
For yeast, Wyeast 1098 or 1099, British Ale - Dry and Whitbread respectively.

Strike temperatures for the single infusion mash is at 164°F and sparge at 175°F. The boil is 90 minutes.

You should be targetting the following stats:
  • OG - 1.079/19° Plato
  • FG - 1.025/6.3° Plato
  • ABV - 7.1%
  • SRM - 28
For fuller details of the mashing schedule, see Ron's book The Homebrewer's Guide to Vintage Beer.

The schedule for the project this year is:
  • Brewday - Weekend of February 14/15th
  • Writing - Monday March 23rd


  1. I've never mashed that high before---curious to see how it affects my efficiency.

  2. Proposed brewday of Valentines day? Sure why not? It's a romantic couples brewday then.

  3. Brewing now. I'm marginally low on brown and black, 14.9% and 2.9% respectively. Shouldn't make much difference. I don't have enough goldings either so replacing the 90 minute and 60 minute with Pilgrim which is as close as I can get from my hop freezer.
    I also don't have either yeast but Nottingham or S04 should work.

  4. 3 brews from Hungary:


The Session - Best at Home

This month's iteration of The Session is being hosted by Ray and Jess over at Boak and Bailey, and the theme they have presented us wit...