Friday, March 1, 2013

Devils Backbone in Blighty

To say I am a fan of Devils Backbone would be an understatement. I love their beer, I love going down to the brewpub, though I don't get down there as often as I would like these days, and I think Jason is a top brewer and a top, top bloke to boot.

Now all you lucky British drinkers will have the opportunity to taste Jason's beer, as part of the J.D. Wetherspoon International Real Ale Festival, which runs from April 2nd to 21st.

According to the brochure for the event, Jason is brewing an American Amber Ale, which is described as being a:
medium-bodied beer is a reddish-amber colour, with floral citrus hop aromas leading to full malt and hop flavours, underscored by a toasted malt backbone.
Knowing Jason's elan for making tasty beer, I am sure it will be a treat and well worth hunting out.


  1. Devil's Backbone have also been down here (Aus) making beer with Brunswick's own Thunder Road, just so you know...

  2. Yup, I know about that - have been following Jason's trip through Facebook. I keep trying to get my brother to pop along and try the beer as he lives in Melbourne, but with little success as far as I know.

  3. They're brewing at Adnams, so hopefully it'll be a good one...

  4. Adnams are the best of the 4 brewers who usually brew the guest brewers beer.I am always surprised that a guest brewer chooses to brew a new beer rather than one thats been road tested.
    cheers john


The Session - Best at Home

This month's iteration of The Session is being hosted by Ray and Jess over at Boak and Bailey, and the theme they have presented us wit...