Friday, February 24, 2012

Brewday Approacheth!

I brew more Saturdays than not at the moment. I think part of that has to do with the fact that during the summer I really need to use the storage room, that doubles as my beer cellar, to keep the temperature for primary fermentation around the 68°F. Given the amount of other stuff in the cellar, I only have space to keep a couple of carboys on the go at any one time. During the winter though I can ferment inside at reasonable temperatures and use the cellar for lagers and those ales that work at lower temperatures, thus giving me more fermentation space. To say my cellar is starting to creak and groan with homebrew is an understatement.

This weekend I will be brewing again, though as part of the International Homebrew Project. If you recall, those that took part in the poll decided to brew a historic Scottish mild, from the 19th century. Being a 19th century beer, the term "mild" has a different meaning, which was that the beer was still young and hadn't developed any of the raciness of an "old" ale. A mild ale was not necessarily, if at all, the low gravity session beer we expect today, indeed the beer we are brewing has an estimated 91 IBU and 9.1% abv, putting it very much in barleywine country by today's style guidelines - indeed, I am thinking about letting a couple of bottles of this age for the rest of the year to enter in the Palmetto State Brewers Open to defend my Strong Ale gold medal.

The recipe is posted over on the IHP 2012 page, but I have to modify it a little for my purposes because I have a small mash tun, which handles about 5lbs of grain, so I will be topping this up with judicious amounts of dry malt extract. My exact recipe is as follows:
  • 4.5lbs Golden Promise Pale Malt
  • 4.25lbs Munton's Extra Light DME
  • 2.25oz Kent Golding hops @ 90 minutes
  • 1.75oz Fuggles hops @ 20 minutes
  • 0.5oz Fuggles hops for dry hopping
  • Dry Windsor yeast
I will be tweeting during the brewing, using the hashtag #BrewdayIHP, so if you are also planning to brew and have Twitter, let us know about it, and also put your final numbers in a comment to this post. Happy brewing everyone!


  1. Just finished.
    OG 1110, malt- Vikingmalt (Lithuania) Pils, hops - Goldings (without East Kent), Fuggles, dry Windsor yeast.

    5 liters only, as I am not at home and the largest kettle is just 10 l. I aimed for 8l, but did not get efficiency right, and then neglected to take into account the large amount of hops. So I will be lucky if I will be able to bottle 10 0.3 bottles at the end because of all the sediment.

  2. Trying to figure out just how to brew this monstrosity now.


The Session - Best at Home

This month's iteration of The Session is being hosted by Ray and Jess over at Boak and Bailey, and the theme they have presented us wit...