Friday, October 14, 2011

International Stout Day

If you know me, you know I love stout. Whether it is dry stout, extra, foreign extra, oatmeal, milk or imperial, I love them all. I am admittedly somewhat ambivalent about coffee infused, bourbon barrel aged and all the other shenanigans that seems to be de rigeur for beer in general these days. But offer me a pint of stout and I am a happy man.

At heart it is such a simple beer to brew, 90% pale malt, 10% roasted barley to get 1.048, 40 IBUs of hops, Goldings is a good one, yeast. Simple. Classic. Sure you can play with caramel malt, chocolate malt, black patent, Carafa and add extra layers of "complexity", but many a Friday afternoons are ended with a desire for a pint of stout.

To celebrate this most magnificent of beer styles some people got together and started International Stout Day, which is November 3rd.

As a committed lover of the black stuff, I will be dedicating ever post that week to stout. Brewing it, drinking it and all the associations that go with it.

Yes, sir, I am stout man.

I guess you know what I'll drinking tonight, assuming there is something good available.

Stout. Simple.


  1. Thanks for the warning - er, heads up. I've friends I need to mention this to!

  2. I'm with you Al. In fact I am due to brew a stout. Perhaps tomorrow so it will be ready to be kegged around that time.


The Session - Best at Home

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