Friday, February 18, 2011

To You, Dear Reader

"I guess most people enjoy a pint".

The words that, 499 posts ago, were the beginnings of Fuggled. In that very first post I talked about the beers I drank in the UK before upping and moving to Prague in 1999. I talked about how I had abandoned drinking the likes of Gambrinus and my once beloved Kozel, in favour of independent breweries, and how on occasion I enjoyed the very few ales produced in the Czech Republic at the time. I also mentioned that I wanted to start brewing.

Since that initial post in 2008, many things have changed. I have upped and moved to Virginia. I have access to far more ales than lagers, and the opposite issue I had in Prague affects me here, I wish there were more quality lagers about. I have started brewing, and have even won a gong or two for doing so. Through these, sometimes inane, witterings I have had the pleasure of meeting many a fine soul, whether in person with pints in hand or online, with the promise of in person with pints in hand.

Rather than bang on about this or that though, today I would rather just say simply thank you. Thank you all for reading my posts, thoughts and rants. Thank you for broadening my beery horizons and pointing me toward new beers to try, different ingredients to use and pubs worth drinking in.

Being a somewhat nostalgic soul, I'll leave you for the weekend with this song:


  1. Congrats on the milestone! It has been a pleasure reading your "thoughts and rants".

  2. Congrats. A landmark indeed. I'm 12 off 750, but I wouldn't have thought about it if you hadn't posted this.

  3. That's quite the output, Al! And a lot of life-changes in the meantime, well done :)

  4. Cor, phew, I thought you were doing a Stonch sort of ‘and now my friends’… climax. Carry on with the good work.

  5. Cheers Al! I enjoy The Corries' version of "will ye go Lassie go" quite a bit, too.

    On behalf of everyone, I hope my blog does not last half as long as yours. ;)

  6. ATJ,

    Don't worry, you don't rid of me that easily!


    I love The Corries in general and Will Ye Go Lassie Go is one of my favourites as well.


The Session - Best at Home

This month's iteration of The Session is being hosted by Ray and Jess over at Boak and Bailey, and the theme they have presented us wit...