Monday, January 17, 2011

Milk Stout takes on Challenger to take Gold(ings)

In the end, the votes were quite conclusive. This year's International Homebrew Project will be brewing:
  • milk stout
  • hopped with a combination of Challenger and Goldings
  • recipe inspired by a historical precedent
Surprisingly there was a late surge for brewing an Export India Porter, which admittedly I would have loved to have won, but we go with a simple majority. At this point I want to thank Kristen England of the BJCP, and Mr Recipe for Ron Pattinson's Let's Brew Wednesday series, for offering to supply me with an authentic recipe for the project. As soon as I have that recipe I will post it here.

Kristen's involvement came about because when Milk Stout took such a commanding lead in the poll, I was looking at the Mackeson recipes over at Ron's blog, and they all use invert sugar number 3, and I couldn't find much in the way of how long it took boiling the sugar with citric acid to create said version of invert sugar. As you can imagine, I am chuffed as chips to have Kristen's input and help on this project.

Just so I can get a rough estimate, if you are planning to brew for the project - drop me a quick email with the subject line as "I'm In". Oh, and if any of you are graphic designers and would like to design a logo for the project, that would be awesome.


  1. Very cool to see that Kristen England is involved in the project. I enjoyed reading about his Gose and Berliner Weisse recipes in Hieronymus' Brewing with Wheat.

  2. Didn't vote for this one, but I'm excited and intrigued to the point of mild discomfort.

    Good luck!

  3. Invert no.3 tends to take ~3-4hrs. Going low & slow is the preferred method, as the Old Bull would say.

  4. Should be fun boys. I'll get the recipe out ASAP to Alastair. I'll do a straight all-grain recipe adn then the proper gyle to make this beer. I'll also do an extract version best I can for the non-AG people.

    I'll also give you guys a few different ways of approximating the different sugars 'cause we all know some of you won't be buggered to do it the proper way. :)

  5. It could be lack of caffiene, but I don't see your email address anywhere...

    Nevertheless, I'm in! :)

  6. It is linked on the word "email" in that sentence.

  7. Hasn't Kristen passed on the recipe yet?

  8. Not yet (as of 9.17 EST, 20/01/2011 - damn it feels good to write the date properly again!).


The Session - Best at Home

This month's iteration of The Session is being hosted by Ray and Jess over at Boak and Bailey, and the theme they have presented us wit...