Monday, December 27, 2010

Fuggled Review of the Year - Blogs

So to the final installment of the Fuggled Review of the Year, the blogs that I have enjoyed reading throughout 2010. Again making that final list of three is fraught with difficulty, thus requiring a list of honourable mentions again. I think today though, the honourable mention list will come first:
Lots of quality reading there, and it was certainly a hard task to whittle it down to the following finalists:

I have a tie for the best beer related blog from Virginia simply between Eric and James, of Relentless Thirst and A Homebrew Log respectively, cater to different aspects of my love of beer. Relentless Thirst has wide ranging posts of various aspects on the beer world which I find well thought out and thought provoking, whereas A Homebrew Log does exactly what it says on the tin - it is about homebrewing, but it is well written and always informative. I have had the pleasure of sharing beers, both commercial and homebrew, with both Eric and James, and they are top blokes, with a passion for beer and brewing. Keep your eyes open for an upcoming project the three of us are working on.

If you know anything about me, you know I love session beer, and what to see more of it produced over here in the States. Lew's The Session Beer Project then is an invaluable resource for keeping abreast of developments in session beer across the US.

What can you say about Ron that hasn't already been said? Challenging, backed up with facts rather than fables and recipes to brew historical beers! Not only is Ron's blog required reading as far as I am concerned, but the fact that it was one of Ron's books that inspired Devils Backbone to brew a 1904 London Stout recipe, which was one of my favourite beers of the year, has to be a good thing.

But as ever, the final few must become just the one, and so the 2010 Fuggled Blog of the Year is:
  • Shut Up About Barclay Perkins
Excellent reading all round and here's to another year of banging the drum about IPAs real nature!


  1. Yaay! Go Ron!

    And thanks for the mentionable honour.

    Happy blogging in 2011!

  2. Glad to share the Virginia crown with James, but I'd put your own blog in there as well!

    Oh, and as for the project... my portion is forthcoming. Time off from work has afforded me the opportunity to make some headway on that.

    Looking forward to a new year of great beer. Cheers!

  3. I second Eric's comment. Thanks for another year of great Fuggled posts Al.

  4. Wow! On most days I think of my blog as "pretty dumb". You've put a bit of spring in my step.

  5. Again, thanks for the nom. To be thought of in the same breath as seasoned pro's such as Avery, ATJ and Dredgie is very nice indeed. Have a great new year!


The Session - Best at Home

This month's iteration of The Session is being hosted by Ray and Jess over at Boak and Bailey, and the theme they have presented us wit...