Monday, June 28, 2010

A Lazy Look at the Cellar

For some reason, my brain has all the activity of an arthritic slug today. I am sure the cause is not having worked in the Starr Hill tasting room on both Saturday and Sunday, and being asked what specialty beer I would brew to follow the Double IPA which is currently gracing the taps - my answer was a Baltic Porter, something hefty and akin to either the Pardubický Porter or Primátor's lovely Double from back in the Czech Republic. Part of the reason could be the lack of beery joy since June 1st as I decided to take a month off the beer, so rather than witter on today, I thought I'd just put some pictures up of my cellar and some of the delights that await for Thursday and beyond.

The Cellar, large amounts of homebrew in there, and a case of Budvar to boot.

Stout - my favourite beer "style"

A sample of my Unibroue collection.

Some more dark beers, perhaps to save for the rainy days of autumn and chill of winter.


  1. I had no idea Flag Porter was still being made. Where's it come from nowadays?

  2. According to BeerAdvocate it is made at the Darwin Brewery in Sunderland. I will check when I get back from the office:


The Session - Best at Home

This month's iteration of The Session is being hosted by Ray and Jess over at Boak and Bailey, and the theme they have presented us wit...