Monday, June 7, 2010

How Did We Do?

Back on May 4th, Pete Brown of multiple beer books fame stirred the beer blogging pot by claiming things had started going stale and challenging bloggers to up their game for the rest of the month.

Just a quick look over my posts for May shows that the number of tasting note posts was at a minimum and during the month I also wrote a post which got the highest number of comments in 2010, it was the We Are Not Geeks! post, which accrued 18 comments, as well as the second most commented Fuggled post of the year in Revolutionary Tosh.

I enjoyed writing more thoughtful pieces than just doing a cyber brain dump of tasting notes, my home brew recipes and the occasional multi-media post when I just can't think of anything else to write. Another highlight for me was having John Keeling from Fuller's, and Dave Bailey of Hardknott taking part in my Brewer of the Week series

But having laid down the challenge, the question for Pete Brown now is quite simple - how did we rise to your challenge?


  1. My response to Pete brought 32 comments, the second largest of the year so far.

  2. I thought like I often think when I read blog posts, this deserved more comments. It's all part of the nobody comments thing. I'm getting pretty fed up with it. No-one likes writing to a vacuum.

    "The Martians could land in the car park and no-one would care!"

  3. I know the feeling. The posts that I have had the most comments for have been the ones where I call something taken for granted a complete pile of toss, like the "craft beer revolution" thing or the hating "beer geek" as a term for someone who loves beer. It seems the only way to get people to comment and get a conversation going is to be deliberately provocative.


The Session - Best at Home

This month's iteration of The Session is being hosted by Ray and Jess over at Boak and Bailey, and the theme they have presented us wit...