Wednesday, January 27, 2010

Oh CAC!!

The public have spoken, or at least those interested enough to take part in the polls I have been running as part of my International Homebrew Project. The hops for the American Pale Ale to be brewed will be the classics of the style:
  • Centennial for bittering
  • Amarillo for flavour
  • Cascade for aroma
I understand that some people may have restricted access to hops from the Pacific North West, however I know that The Hop Shop in England will ship throughout Europe, although postage may be a bit pricey.

Given the details that I have at hand now, I will now generate a recipe which is faithful to the parameters for the style, as given in Designing Great Beers. The recipe will be posted as both All-Grain and Extract with specialty grains, to allow as many brewers as possible to participate, without getting into the whole "all grain is superior to extract" argument here.

The provisional plan is for all those interested to brew on the weekend of February 12/13, then let the beer sit in primary for 14 days, so bottling would be scheduled for the weekend of February 26/27, followed by 3 weeks conditioning. Participants would then blog about their beers on Monday March 21st.

As I mentioned at the beginning of the project, the choice of yeast is entirely up to the brewer, personally I will be using something from Wyeast, though not entirely sure yet what that will be. One thing is certain though, I am looking forward to making the beer!

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