Wednesday, December 9, 2009

That Time of the Year

Between now and Christmas, I will be dedicating the majority of posts to the second, annual, Fuggled Review of the Year. Some of the categories for this year's review differ from last year, largely because moving to the US in June has opened up a greater range of beer styles to me, and so they need to be accounted for. I have also decided to add a couple of beer writing reviews, one for the beer blog I think has been the best that I read regularly in 2009, the post that I feel is the best that I have written this year, and the best individual post from other people's blogs.

The categories for this year's review of the year then are as follows:
  • Pale Lager of the Year
  • Semi-dark/dark Lager of the Year
  • Pale Ale of the Year
  • Dark Ale of the Year
  • Porter/Stout of the Year
  • Wheat Beer of the Year
  • Specialty Beer of the Year
  • Blog of the Year
The one thing which this year's review has in common with last year is the complete absence of any financial award, or even any meaningful history. It really is just a list of the highlights of what has been a very good year.


  1. Look forward to seeing the results of the beers of the year. Me, realalereviews and beer reviews are planning a joint thing similar to this which we're posting soon. I really enjoy rounding off the year with a few 'best of' lists! good fun!

  2. It is fun looking back at the tasting notes taken, the pubs visited and the festivals attended.

  3. We might nick your idea too. We've kept up "beer of the week" since January so beer of the year is a no-brainer.


The Session - Best at Home

This month's iteration of The Session is being hosted by Ray and Jess over at Boak and Bailey, and the theme they have presented us wit...