Thursday, August 6, 2009

Praise for My Favourite Breweries

Last year Primator won Best Lager in the World in the World Beer Awards, in this year's edition of the awards the guys from Nachod get more praise for their range of beers.

First is the World's Best Oatmeal Stout for the new Primator Stout, which Evan, Pivni Filosof and myself have enjoyed many a fine pint of (note however that the brewery themselves class it as a dry stout!).

They also won World's Best Marzen/Oktoberfest for their very quaffable 13 degree amber lager.

Fuller's weigh in with a World's Best Special Pale Ale, namely their wonderful 1845 - a rich delight of a beer which belies its strength.

Also given a "World's Best" is the fantastic Gold Reserve from Lovibonds - well done Jeff!

Good to see brewers like Lovibonds and Primator getting the recognition they deserve beyond their core markets, and of course seeing the likes of Fuller's keeping up their reputation.


  1. I don't give much of an F about awards, but it's still nice to know that Primátor got one for their Stout! Good for them!

  2. I think awards have their place, although with some of the winners you have to wonder about the criteria for the choice. In a sense though what is every tasting we do but an award of the merit we think a beer has?

  3. You mean the Henley Gold reserve as showed in the picture right?

  4. Yes that's the one, corrected the text.

  5. I heard that the mag Beers of the world went out of business...Honza

  6. From what I understand they have decided to become a purely online thing rather than printing a magazine.

  7. How does Exclusiv win best lager in 2008 but get reclassified into the Doppel Bock category in 09. Pivni hit the nail on the head. Voting for the best beers is fun but pointless except where a good brewery like Primator gets some good PR. Would like to see Kout 12 on that winners list. I think I will open a nice Primator Stout to celebrate.


The Session - Best at Home

This month's iteration of The Session is being hosted by Ray and Jess over at Boak and Bailey, and the theme they have presented us wit...