Wednesday, August 5, 2009

The Good, the Bland and the Uninspired

Sorry for the lack of posts of late, still in the process of getting essentials sorted out here in Charlottesville - which is a lovely place from what we have seen so far, very happy to be here. So here are a few pictures of some beer I have had of late:

The Good - Dundee Pale Bock Lager, very nice, not overly sweet and eminently drinkable.

The Bland - Dundee Honey Brown, not much honey, not overly brown, ho-hum.

The Uninspired - Brooklyn Pilsner, pilsner? really? Hmmmm

1 comment:

  1. Glad you're getting set up in Charlottesville.

    I haven't had the Brooklyn Pilsner, and it sounds like I won't now.

    In my opinion, American brewers still haven't figured out how to do a pilsner. It's usually either really bland and watery, or almost too hoppy (in my opinion) for the style (Victory Prima Pils... although at least Prima Pils has flavor).


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