Sunday, July 5, 2009

Beerless Beer Festival

I stumbled upon this article during my daily trawl through the BBC website. At the recent Beer on the Wye festival, they ran out of beer!

Some might look at this as poor planning, or something to poke a bit of fun at - however, and I am sure most people reading this agree, I find myself greatly encouraged by all the beer being drunk because it means more and more people out there want real ale.

I say it often to my friends, that during an economic downturn people don't necessarily what more for their money, they want better for their it. Let the unthinking masses go to Tesco for their bumper packs of Swill, let's enjoy the fact that real ale, and by extension good beer in general is becoming more accepted and even expected by consumers.

1 comment:

  1. The problem with running a beer festival is knowing just how much beer to order in. Too much and the event will be loss making.

    Inevitably, the festival that operates in the black will need to be running out towards the end.

    I agree with your point, it's good news. My experiences are that real ale is still growing amongst otherwise, apparently, difficult times.


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