Friday, June 26, 2009

The Tipsy Terrace Tasting

One of the most pressing things to get done this week before moving on was polishing off the varied beers still sitting around Mrs Velkyal and I's flat. My problem though was how to do it? I had basically three options:

  1. sell them
  2. give them away
  3. drink them

Admittedly I did give a few bottles away. However, I decided that the most prudent way of dealing with the situation was to drink them, but better to gather a few friends keen to try different beers from around Europe and introduce them to some of these delights. Thus it was that last night I went round to my good friend Mark's place to sit on his expansive balcony with another couple of guys and attempt to get through 25 beers from the Czech Republic, Poland, Germany, Scotland, England and Denmark.

Unfortunately we only managed to get through 14 of the beers, some pictures of which grace this post.

There was however one other beer on the list which I wanted the guys to try, the uninfected, though wildly over-carbonated, version of my Skippy Porter. I had previously only tried this beer with Evan Rail, who was very complimentary about it even though it erupted all over his kitchen floor. This time I was prepared, and opened the bottle in a flower pot, without flowers of course. Once again Skippy was a hit, with the guys saying it was one their favourite beers of the night, the smooth chocolate flavours I was aiming for were right up there, and the Fuggles bitterness was just right to add some bite. I initially thought that I wouldn't be brewing this beer very often, but given the reaction it gets I think I will have to simply refine the recipe and start making it in preparation for winter. I am finding now that I get more pleasure from my friends enjoying my beer than hoarding it all to myself in some attempt to save money on beer.

Thankfully I know that Mark and his family will be in the States for a few months at the end of the year, so our beer tasting will no doubt be repeated, hopefully with the added bonus of a couple of bottles of Strahov's Autumn Dark Special! On the menu already for when we sit on the patio in our new place will be my planned American style IPA loaded with Amarillo hops, also some more Skippy Porter as well as my first Irish Red Ale, tentatively called Mrs Velkyal's Red Hat.

Every prospect pleases!


  1. 14 out of 25 isn't too bad.

    It's a tough problem when you've got more beer than you can drink. haha.

    Can't wait to hang out again when you're in the states.

  2. yes, sharing beer is one of lifes joys. I have a friend coming round in the next few weeks, interested in beer, to help me brew a dark mild. He's gonna love it, I know. And whilst doing that, we'll make light work of my beer cellar, i am sure.

  3. Jay,

    Considering the lowest ABV beer was a 4.8% and the average was 9%, then I think we did quite well really. Totally agree mate, very much looking forward to hanging out again!


    Dark mild is one of my favourite styles, is one of the first beers I will be brewing Stateside. I love sharing beers and getting over people's comments on them and what they smell/taste - almost like a live Ratebeer event!

  4. well..and I know I'mm coming in a little late here..but DRINK them :)

    Good luck with the move, and looking forward to having such an educated beer drinker from across the pond over here. Let me know when you get set, we'll have to be sure to trade some brews once your stateside (I'm in Chicago, IL). Cheers! Brian

  5. 14 out of 25 is not bad at all. It leaves a few left over until you leave and you can always repeat the tasting session.

    How did you like the Aventinus?

  6. I left the beers with the other guys for them to enjoy when they have the opportunity.

    The Aventinus was lovely, though something I would no doubt prefer in the winter.


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