Tuesday, June 16, 2009

Homebrewing Equivalent of Itchy Feet?

Whatever it is, I am suffering from it! I have even provisionally penciled in August 8th as my first day of brewing in the States. I have it in mind to make an Irish Red Ale to lay down a bit for autumn, but as it would be my first brew in the States perhaps an American Pale Ale would be in order, or an American IPA?

One of the things that I am very much looking forward to is having a wider range of ingredients to choose from, in particular on the hop front, and letting my imagination run riot a bit - for example, I am playing with the idea of a Florida Witbier using Key limes rather than the green Persian variety, or even an Earl Grey Wheat beer with bergamot and ginger.

It looks as though these guys here will be our ingredient supplier, and if Mrs Velkyal gets her way, we will soon be building a still to start making our own spirits. Also in mind for the near future is making cider, which I believe would be called "hard" cider in the States, and from that perhaps an apple spirit. So many plans and ideas....

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The Session - Best at Home

This month's iteration of The Session is being hosted by Ray and Jess over at Boak and Bailey, and the theme they have presented us wit...