Friday, April 10, 2009

Gunning for Guinness!

For those of you who don't make your own beer, a word of warning - this is an addictive hobby. No sooner had Limelight been brewed and was sitting in the carboys (really at only 4 litres a time I should them carbabies) and I was planning my next beer, and most likely the last beer I will brew on this side of the Atlantic.

I knew immediately the style, it had to be a stout. If some evil dictator suddenly decreed that the world could only drink one style of beer, and it was my decision as to what style, then you would be stout drinkers!

The problem with making a stout here though was my desire to use British hops and malt to fill out the Czech dry malt extract. Thankfully the very good people at Hop Shop UK are happy to send things to the Czech Republic, and yesterday my black malt, Irish Ale Yeast and Fuggles hops arrived in the post.

The name for my first attempt at the black stuff? Totally Fuggled.

According to the Beer Recipator tool, it should turn out something like this:


  1. I agree that given a choice, stout would have to be the one style I'd choose.

    There are much better examples than Guinness though.

  2. Indeed there are, including in my world the Primator Stout which came out over here last November. And of course the O'Hara's which is excellent.

  3. My next is going to be a stout, even though the Dark Bitterbock is very stout like! I want a proper dry Irish stout.

    I am also planning an IPA and since I can have two 5 gallon batches going at once now, I may do both at the same time. I just need enough bottles to fill them, well I have one keg so that takes care of most of one batch.

  4. I have half a mind for my first beer in the States to be a heavy hitting imperial stout to lay down for Christmas. That of course will be at least a 5 gallon batch, although I might go straight to 10 and get myself a couple of sixtel kegs for serving.

  5. If only you have asked, I have in Prague for sale Challanger and English Goildings hops and scottish ale yeast(also California ale yeast)...

  6. lemme know when you're gonna be brewing. I'd love to be an extra set of hands again...


The Session - Best at Home

This month's iteration of The Session is being hosted by Ray and Jess over at Boak and Bailey, and the theme they have presented us wit...