Monday, April 27, 2009

Buckets of Beer

I can't remember the last time I drank so much beer over the course of a few days. Since Saruman arrived in Prague on Tuesday with his good lady wife we have trawled our way through various Czech lagers, British ales, my homebrew and his, a comparison of Czech and Irish stouts, as well as brewing up Fuggled.

In between all the beer related stuff, we went to Brno and the Moravian karst - quite possibly one of the most beautiful places on earth. Over the course of this week I will be reporting back on the following:
  • Ireland vs Czech Republic in the International Stout Cup
  • Eurovision Wheat Contest, pitching Ireland, England, Germany and the Czech Republic against each other and a couple of homebrew wheats
  • 6 English ales under 6%ABV
  • Cyclopsing homebrew
  • Moravian beer and pubs
  • Brewing Fuggled

In the interests of my liver I have decided to cut back for a about 10 days before Mrs Velkyal and I head off to Purkmistr and a quiet weekend away.

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