Tuesday, March 3, 2009

Miracles happen!

Christopher Robertson is something of a local hero for the British expatriate community here in Prague because for nearly 6 years he has been the man to go to for British style sausages, bacon, Cheddar cheese and various other goodies from home, including beer.

The last time I bought beer from Robertson is was canned London Pride, Ruddles County and Old Speckled Hen. Obviously though, Christopher has been listening to what people want, always a good idea as a businessman, because now his shops stock an increasing range of good ales from the UK, and not just in cans but bottled.

I received an email this morning from Christopher to tell me that from Thursday at his shop in Prague 6 the following ales will be available:

Bishop's Finger in Prague? Black Sheep Ale? Spitfire?

Oh happy day, oh happy!!!

Also available in cans will be:

Check out the company website for prices, and also have a look through the excellent sausages and meat products they do and pop up to Prague 6 for an armful of ale. You might just see me up there!

1 comment:

  1. Can't believe it! I m off thursday to get a few brews ...Now somebody mention 'timothy taylor landlord' 'O'hanlons pale ale' 'meantime ipa and porter'...and we will nearly be there.

    super...can't wait! Looking forward to the duechars ipa and my old favourites - spitfire and bishops finger!

    Oh happy day indeed!



The Session - Best at Home

This month's iteration of The Session is being hosted by Ray and Jess over at Boak and Bailey, and the theme they have presented us wit...