Tuesday, February 17, 2009

Bohatý nebo blazen?

I went to Zlý Časy yesterday on my way home from work - for some reason, of late every time I head over there to get more bottles, it snows. And boy did it snow yesterday in Prague, we enough to put London out of commission for months - about 4 inches!

I was hoping that they would have beers from the Nørrebro Bryghus in Denmark, and I was not to be disappointed. I got a bottle each of:
  • La Granja Stout
  • Bombay Pale Ale
  • North Bridge Extreme
I also picked up another bottle of BrewDog's Paradox Smokehead to replace one I gave to a friend. A couple of pints were also in order, first up the Harrachov František, a banana laden delight, and then the Kácov 12° pale lager, which went down nicely as well. Chatting away to the barman and, I assume, the bar owner I mentioned that I had bought a bottle of La Granja Stout on Saturday whilst at Pivovarský klub which had set me back 385CZK (that's €13.75/£12/$17), at which they stated that I must be rich (bohatý), to which I replied "rich or mental".

Hence the title.


  1. Was/is it worth the money though?!

    Whenever I spend more than 6-or-so pound on a beer I tend to covet it and fear drinking it! I spent 12 quid on an AleSmith IPA - I flipping hope it's worth it!!

  2. It was a damned good beer, though the bottle I bought yesterday was half that price. It is crazy how prices differ in Prague, but I guess it the same everywhere.

  3. €13.75?? Im Irish and i find that shocking. €5 is the max you should pay for a beer in a pub, €6 maybe if its premium imported stuff but €13.75 in Prague?

    My wife is back from Manilla and they make €7 a day.. yes a DAY there. The Irish minumum wage is more than that per hour!!

  4. I bought the same bottle of beer in a different pub yesterday for about 6.70 euros.

  5. Wow, that is a huge price difference between the two places! I haven't heard of the brewery so I'll have to keep a look out for them now.

  6. You are the Englishman they told me about today when I bought my, and the last, bottle of Nordbrige Extreme...
    Good Boy!

  7. I will have to kill them then. I am a Scotsman, not an Englishman. Kilt and claymore being prepared as we speak!!! ;)


The Session - Best at Home

This month's iteration of The Session is being hosted by Ray and Jess over at Boak and Bailey, and the theme they have presented us wit...