Tuesday, February 24, 2009

And the award for beer name....

When Saruman from The Tale of the Ale suggested this name, it was clearly a case of all bets being off. It was love at first sight, and so the smoked Scottish dark mild (or maybe not from looking at the style guides) will be called:
  • Experimental Dark Matter
Saruman's prize? Erm, a bottle of said beer if it tastes alright when he hopefully comes over to Prague sometime in the Spring. If not, then I think the fact I introduced him to a good Hooker should be more than enough!
Being the sad anorak I am (and if any brewers in or around Virginia are reading this and need marketing people then email me!), I spent about 3 or 4 minutes messing around on Word developing a label for the said beer, here is a screenshot.


  1. Great name choice and the label looks excellent!

    I might have to get into this homebrewing thing, it sounds like a lot of fun!

  2. I can't take credit for the name, but the label is all my work (if you call a couple of minutes doodling "work".

  3. Who knows, maybe if my homebrewing venture ever takes off, you can come work for me! In my Charlottesville branch, of course.

    If you're able to bring any over (and if there's any left!), I'd love to sample it. Sounds like a mindbender of a beer, which I'm always up for. And when it comes to beer, I love each of the four words "smoked Scottish dark mild." They sound great together.

  4. Great name.
    I must humbly admit it beats the shite out of my proposal (which I believe was pretty cool).
    Label not too shabby either, BTW.

  5. Nice name and label. Wish I could try the beer...

    Off-topic now: Basta are doing that really nice smoked beer right now - I had a couple earlier. Definitely worth a visit.

  6. Perhaps I should auction a couple of bottles of the beer on ebay?


The Session - Best at Home

This month's iteration of The Session is being hosted by Ray and Jess over at Boak and Bailey, and the theme they have presented us wit...