Thursday, December 4, 2008

The Finalised Christmas Beer List

A wee while ago I compiled a list of beers which I was considering buying myself for Christmas, having decided that I could indeed afford 24 bottles of various British beers, here is the final list in full:

  • Burton Bridge Santa's Porter
  • Cropton Rudolphs Revenge
  • Gordons Christmas Ale
  • Naylors Santa's Choice Winter Warmer
  • Naylors Scrooge's Christmas Barrel
  • O'hanlon's Goodwill
  • RCH Ale Mary
  • Woods Christmas Cracker
  • Black Sheep Riggwelter
  • Bradfield Farmers Stout
  • Hook Norton Double Stout
  • O'Hanlons Port Stout - 2x
  • Durham St Cuthbert Ale
  • Durham Benedictus
  • Durham Temptation
  • Thomas Hardys Ale
  • Wentworth Oatmeal Stout
  • Harviestoun Engine Oil
  • Harviestoun Bitter & Twisted
  • Traquair House Ale
  • Traquair Jacobite Ale
  • Brewdog Rip Tide
  • Atlas Latitude

I can't promise reviews of all of them, but I can promise they will all be drunk (I may be rather pickled myself as well!).

I ordered all of these from BeerRitz - and was very impressed at the speed with which the first 12 bottles arrived at my brother's place in Kent.


  1. I don't know any of them, but I am sure you are going to have a good time drinking them...

  2. With the weather getting colder here, I'm in need of some Engine Oil and some Traquair. Nice and malty, just the way I like it.

    By the way, have you seen/tried Harviestoun's Ola Dubh series? Aged in Scotch barrels of different years, going back to that peaty, earthy Scotch thing you mentioned. I'm sitting on some now, seeing if they improve with age.

  3. I've been on the look out for Ola Dubhs! No joy around me but I have family coming home for Christmas from England by car so I might ask a favour...
    Enjoy all the others!


The Session - Best at Home

This month's iteration of The Session is being hosted by Ray and Jess over at Boak and Bailey, and the theme they have presented us wit...