Monday, December 8, 2008

Christmas Not So Special

Liverpool being top of the league was probably the highlight of my weekend, especially as with only 21 minutes to go we were staring at the distinct possibility of yet another 0-0 draw, which would have been the first time in Liverpool’s history that we had three 0-0 draws in a row. Thank goodness though for Xabi Alonso breaking the deadlock and we eventually ran out 3-1 winners to remain 1 point ahead of Chelsea.
Straight after the game I had to dash off and meet a friend as we had arranged to pop into Klášterní Pivovar Strahov to try the recently released Christmas Special, a 19° Doppelbock, which you can see in the picture above. My overwhelming impression was that it was just too sweet, with a powerful dose of alcohol, for my tastes - it was almost like drinking alcoholic honey to be blunt. I guess the root of my disappointment was that I had really enjoyed their autumn special and I asked if they still had some available, but unfortunately to no avail. Feeling peckish – as one does after a stressful game and rather too much beer – we decided to eat. I am a big fan of black pudding, much to Mrs Velkyal’s abhorrence, and so with the Czech version jelito on the menu it was an easy decision.

Strahov is one of my favourite brewpubs in Prague, not the cheapest by any stretch of the imagination but certainly one which I always enjoying going to. Doppelbock is very unlikely to become a regular tipple, but Strahov do make very nice beers, so if sweet and syrupy is your thing get up there soon and enjoy.


  1. That's such a downer mate! I loved that beer last year, it was so lovingly hoppy, yet with a syrupy start that balanced it perfectly, WTF happened with it?

  2. Liverpool in the top spot: a beautiful thing, isn't it?

  3. Pivni - I am not saying that it was necessarily bad, just that it was too sweet for me.

    Perhaps part of the problem was that nothing can compare to Liverpool being top of the league! Now if only we can maintain at least a 1 point lead until May and the end of the season I will be ecstatic!

  4. I had no idea you were a LFC supporter; we should have met up before I left Prague to talk about footie and beer.

  5. David, that's just another reason to move back. And please bring some Old Rasputin with you when you do.

  6. David,

    Not only am I an LFC supporter, and love beer, but I am moving to the US next summer. I am sure we could arrange somewhere between South Carolina and Chicago to meet up, and evangelise beer and football!


Decocting an Idea

At the beginning of this year, I made myself a couple of promises when is comes to my homebrew. Firstly I committing to brewing with Murphy ...