Friday, October 31, 2008

Early Planning

Having discovered the delights of BeerRitz I decided to make a provisional list of the beers I plan to order when I get paid next month to be shipped to my brother's place in Kent in preparation for Christmas.

Comments are more than welcome if you think I have picked a dud.


  1. There are a few beers on your list I have enjoyed before but many are unknown to me. I believe they are all British in origin, right? Traquair House Ale is one of my favorite malt monsters!


  2. Yes they are all British, mostly English with a few Scottish and Welsh products chucked in. A fair few of them I have never had - I thought Christmas would be a good opportunity for some self-education!

  3. I am trying to find Dudak beer for a friend. BeerRitz doesnt seem to have it anymore. Any suggestions?


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